Why is it so easy to quit smoking with hypnosis?
The clearest answer is that not smoking is in total alignment with what every cell in your body wants. There is nothing in tobacco that any cell in your body wants or needs.
In fact, it’s the opposite.
When the unconscious mind sees tobacco for what it truly is, a threat to your well being, it will drop it and won’t look back. Your unconscious mind got fooled when you first started to smoke, most likely as a teenager. Let me explain.
Imagine giving a five year old a puff of a cigarette. There is no five year old that would want a second puff. Similar to putting a cigarette under a dog’s nose, they instinctually don’t like it.
Lungs only want fresh air, everything else is rejected.
Now, most people who smoke, started as a teenager.
For the teenager starting to smoke, the unconscious mind is getting mixed signals; the body is saying “no, don’t do it”, while the emotions are saying, “ I’m feeling good, I’m with my friends, I’m cool, I’m a rebel, I’m an adult……..” Something along those lines.
The unconscious mind thinks, look I’m feeling good and there is a cigarette in my hand…. It must be the cigarette that is making me feel good. Repeat a bunch of times and the belief, which is false, begins to form, “I know how to feel good, smoke a cigarette.” This false belief is what drives the habit.
It is not about nicotine.
If smoking was about nicotine, then nicotine replacement would be the easy way to quit smoking, but it isn’t very successful. Smoking is based on the conditioned false belief, “I know how to feel good, smoke a cigarette.”
The good news is that it is a FALSE belief. The truth will set you free!
There are two powerful natural Truths that will enable a smoker to quit, cold turkey, and never smoke again, easily.
The first truth, is the truth of tobacco, which is, there is nothing in tobacco that the body wants. Nothing. Tobacco could leave the planet and we would be fine. Water couldn’t leave the planet, oxygen couldn’t leave the planet, but tobacco could.
The second truth is the unconscious mind only has one job, which is to keep us alive, safe and well. When you put those two together, you won’t want to smoke. It will be naturally repulsive to you, like the five year old’s reaction to smoking. Natural and instinctual.
When the unconscious mind has formed a belief, it is generally hard to crack into that belief and consider an alternative. Hypnosis is simply a way to talk to the unconscious mind when normally it doesn’t want to listen.
Smokers have two minds about smoking.
One mind knows smoking is killing them and that they need to quit. The other mind however believes it is good for you, and wants to smoke. There is an inner conflict going on everytime smoking comes up. The inner struggle causes stress, the part of the mind that wants to smoke is stronger and when you smoke that pressure is relieved…..Until the next time. And the cycle goes on.
Hypnosis is like the scene in THE WIZARD OF OZ, when Dorothy sees behind the curtain the Truth. There is no wizard. It’s just a little old man operating a machine. In the moment she sees that, everything changes. From that moment forward, for the rest of Dorothy’s life, the wizard no longer has any power over her, because she saw the truth, with her own eyes.
Hypnosis opens the unconscious mind to the truth of tobacco, the way your five year old self would see it.
Once that happens, you are no longer attracted to it. You see it for what it is, a threat.
This works for all forms of tobacco……cigarettes, vaping, chewing, patches, gum, pipes and cigars.
If this makes sense, then give me a call and we can get you on your way to quitting for good.
Andrew Rader, LAc, MS